BUREN ist eine Kanzlei von Anwälten, Notaren und Steuerberatern mit Standorten in Amsterdam, Beijing, Den Haag, Luxemburg und Shanghai. weiterlesen …
We believe that our success is guided by setting higher standards of corporate social responsibility and our adherence to them. weiterlesen …
As an entrepreneur or manager, you know better than anyone how quickly the market can change, and with it the dynamics within your company. weiterlesen …
BUREN is an international law firm where people of different nationalities, backgrounds, gender and sexual orientation work together weiterlesen …
BUREN has an internationally oriented practice and advises national and international clients on Dutch and Luxembourg weiterlesen …
Companies and their directors cope with compliance and risk management issues that are more complex than ever before. weiterlesen …
BUREN's executive board consists of two managing partners and a managing director. weiterlesen …
BUREN at a glance. weiterlesen …