

BUREN ranked in the 2022 edition of The Legal500

We are proud that based on extensive research and our clients feedback, the Legal500 has ranked all our firms’ main practice areas among the leading firms in the Netherlands.

We value our clients’ satisfaction as the best measure of our success. A sincere thank you to our clients, colleagues and peers for their trust in BUREN and for being so kind to share their appreciation with the Legal 500’s researchers. We are proud to share some of our clients quotes:

  • ‘Their tax team deals with any kind of tax related matters including tax planning and company structuring for investment in Europe. Their response is very quick and the fee is very reasonable for the quality.’
  • ‘The lawyers are competent in their various specialist areas and they always make you feel like the most important client’.
  • ‘Easy to approach; open communication; and direct contact with the lawyers’.
  • ‘Very good in-depth knowledge of employment law and in-depth knowledge of our business’.
  • ‘The services provided by Buren are highly specialised and of a high quality’.
  • ‘They are in permanent contact with the client and give a lot of security’.
  • ‘Generally competent legal advice, which is made concrete and understandable’.

For the rankings of BUREN in the 2022 edition of the Legal500, visit the website of the Legal500

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