

BUREN ranked by Legal500

We are proud that based on extensive research and our clients feedback, the Legal500 has ranked all our firms’ main practice areas among the leading firms in the Netherlands.

We value our clients’ satisfaction as the best measure of our success. A sincere thank you to our clients, colleagues and peers for their trust in BUREN and for being so kind to share their appreciation with the Legal 500’s researchers. We are proud to share some of our clients quotes:

  • ‘They have the flexibility and proactive approach that normally you don’t see in other firms’.
  • ‘BUREN are my “go-to” counsel in the Netherlands. They are always responsive, commercially minded and solution oriented.’
  • ‘In cases where you just need quick advice, they are capable of providing that without huge memos, but still a good eye for the details that matter’.
  • ‘The cooperation is personal yet very professional’.
  • ‘Their pragmatic approach is not typical with solicitors.
  • ‘Always readily available, quick and practical response, offering the legal information as well as a sparring partner on interpretation and action’.

For the rankings of BUREN in the 2021 EMEA edition of the Legal500, visit the website of the Legal500

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