Jan Holthuis
Partner | Lawyer
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On Thursday March 21st, Ivan Gu was one of 4 speakers at the Agri and Horticulture Seminar organized by the RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) at the Provinciehuis in The Hague.
The session was opened by the commissioner of the King, Mr Jaap Smit, and was attended by 70 participants from the agricultural and horticultural sector. After the presentations about recent developments in China (RVO) and doing business in China from a practical angle (Pri-va), Ivan Gu (Buren) took the stand to talk about new plant variety right protection in China. For many foreign investors in China’s agricultural sector the protection of their plant variety rights are among the biggest concerns. Ivan explained in his presentation that protection of those rights in China is however achievable. His presentation provided a legal and practical overview of plant breeder’s rights and the protection thereof in China.
If you want to receive the presentation given by Ivan Gu, please contact Marjo Loves, [email protected].