BUREN adviseert SAI MedPartners
BUREN trad op als local counsel voor SAI MedPartners (SAI), een wereldwijd consultancybureau dat gespecialiseerd is in strategische inzichten en meer …
Cees-Frans Greeven, partner en advocaat bij BUREN, is gespecialiseerd in advisering over Nederlandse en Luxemburgse aspecten van corporate en PEVC-transacties, waaronder spin-offs, internationale herstructureringen en corporate joint ventures. Hij is daarnaast werkzaam op het gebied van beleggingsbeheer voor institutionele en particuliere cliënten.
Na het behalen van zijn studie fiscaal- en economisch recht aan de Universiteit van Tilburg (1994) volgde Cees-Frans in 1999 een postdoctorale opleiding Europese Fiscale Studies aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Cees-Frans is toegelaten tot de Amsterdamse Orde van Advocaten en is lid van de Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs, de International Fiscal Association (IFA) en actief lid van de Tax Committee van de International Bar Association (IBA). Ook is hij toegelaten tot de Luxemburgse balie (Liste IV).
What others say
Cees-Frans Greeven wordt door Chambers & The Legal500 aanbevolen voor zijn juridische expertise.
''Cees-Frans Greeven assists clients with the tax aspects of corporate and financial transactions. An interviewee reports that he is an "excellent adviser and attorney." (Chambers Europe Guide 2022)
‘Cees-Frans Greeven is praised for being “incredibly responsive and proactive,” and for his “practical approach.” He advises clients in a number of sectors on the tax implications of investment rounds, acquisitions and transfer pricing.’ (Chambers Europe | Edition 2021)
''Cees-Frans Greeven is my key contact. Bright and experienced lawyer. Great network of professionals.'' (Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa | Edition 2021)
‘’Cees-Frans Greeven regularly assists funds with the tax implications of large M&A projects, as well as advising on the tax considerations of restructuring matters and fund formation. One client praises his "high commercial awareness, effective communication and high-quality client service.'' (Chambers Europe | Edition 2020)
“The ‘exceptionally knowledgeable’ Cees-Frans Greeven and ‘stellar’ practitioner Peter van Dijk lead the tax practice at BUREN. The duo advise a wide range of global clients on M&A transactions, transfer pricing and international tax matters. Of counsel René Bours is also noted.” (Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa, Edition 2019)
''Cees-Frans Greeven has been my main point of contact for years. I can always reach out for him when my clients need clever and sharp structuring advice. Excellent network worldwide – I have very much appreciated his referrals to lawyers in NY or Uruguay.'' (Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa | Edition 2019)
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+31 (0)20 333 8390 |
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